Crowning Theme Song.mp4
Crowning Theme Song.mp3
Original Lyrics:
Om Rajadhi Rajaya
Prasahya Sahine Namo Vayam
Vai Sravanaya Kurumahe
Samekaman Kama Kamaya Mahyam
Kamesvaro Vai Sravano Dadatu
Kuberaya Vai Sravanaya
Maha Rajaya Vidmahe
Maha Rajaya Vidmahe
Maha Rajaya Vidmahe
English Meaning:
Om, we salute the King of kings,
the Supreme Lord, God,
the satisfier of desires.
May the Lord of desires grant us this,
what we men, who seek after desire,
We salute God, the Greatest King, the Lord of Wealth.
We salute God, the Greatest King, the Lord of Wealth.
We salute God, the Greatest King, the Lord of Wealth.
Crowning Theme Song can be found in these episodes:
e001, e063, e066, e096, e112, e120, e267
Meaning in Other Languages: