Ghatothkach Theme Song.mp4
Ghatothkach Theme Song.mp3
Original Lyrics:
Singhasyam aruniva nayanaha
Swikta gambhira kantho
Drirhata sudrirhata pratibhanu
Rikta bishrishta kesha ha
Vaja madhyo gaja brisha bhakati
Lanka vinasha baaho...
Su vyaktam rakshashijo..
Loka virasya putraha....
English Meaning:
A good and respected demon king,
fought for peace and justice,
for the other members of his clan,
strong as a lion and with a sharp eye,
he was intelligent and bareheaded,
a true magician and master of illusion,
very powerful, devoted
and a famous demon warrior,
Ghatotkacha Theme Song can be found in these episodes:
e095, e241
Meaning in Other Languages: