Nakul And Sahadev Healing Karna.mp4
Nakul & Sahadev Healing Karna.mp3
Original Lyrics:
Ye Kaisi Duvidha Hai,
Kaisi ye Vipada Hai,
Ye Dharm h ya Balidaan hai,
apne ya deekaane (I'm not sure about this line, please contribute if you know more)
Bhai ye anjaane
Vidhi ka ye kaysa vidhan hai
English Meaning:
What kind of confusion is this!
What (kind of) difficult time/problem is this!
Is this dharma or sacrifice?
Yours or his? (I'm not sure about this line, please contribute if you know more)
they don't know he's their brother.
Unaware of the hidden relationship.
Nakul & Sahadev Healing Karna song can be found in these episodes:
Meaning in Other Languages: