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Apavitraḥ Pavitro Vā Sarvāvasthām Mantra - Full Lyrics & English Meaning Missing ❌

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Original Lyrics:

om apavitrah pavitro vā
sarvāvasthāṁ gato api vā
yaḥ smaret puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ
sa bahya abhyantaraṁ śuciḥ
śrī viṣṇu śrī viṣṇu śrī viṣṇu

/Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.8.4-6/

  • MISSING - please kindly contribute if you have more information about the original lyrics of the last verse. 

English Meaning:

May we, whether pure or impure, 
in all situations and circumstances, 
achieve both inner and outer purity by remembering 
the divine name of the lotus-eyed all-pervading Divinity/Lord. 

/Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.8.4-6/

  • MISSING - please kindly contribute if you have more information about the English meaning of the last verse. 

Last Verse of The Srimad Bhagavatam Mantra can be found in these episodes:

Hare Krishna! Please keep in mind that all these translations, meanings and explanations are voluntary works intended for the benefit of all. I have tried to find as many songs, mantras and their meanings as possible. Nevertheless, there may be inaccuracies, wrong translations or missing translations. If you have better information, please join the conversation so we can improve these song meanings together. God bless you! 🙏

Bhagavad Gita

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  • Tom changed the title to Apavitraḥ Pavitro Vā Sarvāvasthām Mantra - Full Lyrics & English Meaning Missing ❌
  • 11 months later...

Hare Krishna,

om apavitrah pavitro vā
sarvāvasthāṁ gato api vā
yaḥ smaret puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ
sa bahya abhyantaraṁ śuciḥ
śrī viṣṇu śrī viṣṇu śrī viṣṇu

Both pure and impure, passing through the conditions of material life, if remember the lotus-eyed Lord, then one becomes externally and internally clean.

Lecture 1 Dec 68, Los Angeles
Srila Prabhupada explains this verse here..

Apavitrah pavitro va. Apavitrah means contaminated, and pavitra means liberated. So we have two conditions. Either… Just like either we are healthy or we are diseased. There is no third condition. Crude example. Similarly, the living entities, they have two conditions. One condition is liberation, another condition is contaminated. Therefore living entity is called marginal, in between contamination and liberation. Either a living entity can be contaminated or liberated. There is no third condition. Therefore this mantra says, apavitrah pavitro va. Either contaminated or liberated, it doesn’t matter. Om namo apavitrah pavitro, sarvavastham. Sarva means all; avastham means condition. In any condition. Sarvavastham gato ‘pi va. In whatever condition you may be. Because two conditions there are. For the living entities… The living entity is in the marginal position. Either he can be in material nature or in the spiritual nature. The spiritual nature means liberation, and material nature means contamination. So in this mantra it is said, either of the condition, never mind. Either you are in material condition or spiritual condition. Sarvavastham gato ‘pi va. Va means either; yah, anyone; smaret, smaret means remembers; pundarikaksam,

pundarikaksam means whose eyes are just like lotus petal. That means Krsna or Visnu. Yah smaret pundarikaksam sa bahya… Bahya means externally. Externally, this body. Abhyantaram. Abhyantaram means internally. Internally I am spirit. Just like internally, within this dress, I am internally. Externally I am this dress. Similarly, yah smaret pundarikaksam. Either he is in the bodily concept of life or he is in the spiritual concept of life, either he is contaminated or he is liberated — in any condition, one who remembers Krsna or Visnu, bahyabhyantaram, he immediately becomes purified internally and externally. This is the substance of this mantra.

And at the last we are chanting sri visnu sri visnu sri visnu. Because it may not be misunderstood that in this verse it is said that yah smaret pundarikaksam, “anyone who remembers the lotus-eyed.” So somebody may think, “My such and such lover is lotus-eyed,” or in that way, lotus-eyed. There may be so many lotus-eyed. Therefore at last it is specifically said, sri visnu sri visnu sri visnu. “Lotus-eyed” means Visnu, not anybody else. Sri visnu sri visnu. This is the basic principle of devotional life. In Narada Pancaratra it is recommended… We are explaining these things in Nectar of Devotion. The basic principle of purification is smartavyah satato visnuh: always one has to remember Visnu or Krsna. Krsna and Visnu the same. When you speak Krsna, it includes Visnu. So smartavyah satato visnu vismartavyah na jatucit. We shall not forget Visnu even for a moment. This is the basic principle of devotional life. Some way or other, we have to remember always Krsna. Then whatever condition we may be, we are pure. Sa bahyabhyantaram sucih. This chanting helps us always remembering Krsna. As soon as we chant Hare Krsna, hear, immediately we remember. So, so long I remember, I am sucih, I am pure, no material contamination.

Brahminas chant this sloka before chanting Gayatri mantra to cleanse themselves first.

Mahamantra itself is a purificatory cleansing.
It doesn't mean that you can chant without taking bath .. if there is no possibilty or place or weather conditions suitable to take bath .. for suppose its too cold outside.
or ur health is not permitting.. or there is no availablity of water to take bath.... then u can recite this mantra and start your mahamantra chanting.
Mahamantra chanting itself has remembering the Lotus- eyed one.. so its said that that mantra itself cleanses you and there is no special procedures taken to cleanse oneself prior to chanting.

In Kali Santaranopanishad.. there is a reference of this.
Narad Muni asked Brahma is there any way for deliverance of the kaliyuga people. Brahma ji gave 16- syllable... mahamantra to be chanted.
Then Narad Muni Inquired further...
"punar naradah papraccha bhagavan kosya vidhi riti"


Narada again asked, “Oh Lord! Is there a proper procedure for this


Then Brahma ji said..
"tam ho vaca nasya vidhiriti sarvada sucira suchirva

pathan brahmanah salokatam samipatam sarupatam syujyatameti"

Lord Brahma immediately replied: “There is no set procedure for

chanting this Maha-mantra. A seeker of truth can chant whether

pure or impure—liberation still awaits him. Such liberation can take

various forms: as in living on the same planet as the Lord, becoming

one of His personal associates, appearing in a form that is like His,

or merging with Him.”

As its clearly told by Brahma ji Himself. there is no prior arrangement is required for chanting..this is exception for Mahamantra alone.

Hare Krishna.

read further down in this website.

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